
Issuing a stamp to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the Green March

During the 33-th anniversary of the Green March, Barid Al-Maghrib has issued a special stamp to commemorate this glorious event.

On this occasion, "the first day issue" envelopes will be available in all branches of Barid Al-Maghrib starting from November 7, according to a statement by Barid Al-Maghrib.

Since the recovery of the Sahara in 1975, every year Barid Al-Maghrib issues stamps to celebrate the green march which marked the history of modern Morocco, said the same source.

This event became a stunning model for people aspiring to liberation, reflects itself the scale and grandeur of the history of a struggle carried out in association with the King and the People for the recovery of Sahara, adds the same source.

Source: MAP
-News on Western Sahara issue/ Corcas-


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