Hassani Books

This page is devoted to the lately published books and publications about the multiple aspects of the Hassani culture. You are invited to send any new books, texts or cultural lectures to add to this page.

Book: "Hassani poetry, the critic field and reference"

Book title: "Hassani poetry, the critic field and reference"
Number of Pages: 167 average pages
Publisher: Annajah AL Jadidida, Casablanca 1992
Author: Bah Al Naama



 Book Summary: the book’s author says, "It is an embryonic attempt to
generate and enrich discussion over one aspect of our Arab culture represented in Hassani Arabic poetry. It stems from the heart of popular creativity, which makes a civilized battle against ignorance, backwardness and superstition," he adds.

Bah Annamaa explains: "in my opinion, the book meets the need of the fans of this essential unique creativity. It is one of the few and scarce references to students studying this literary genre. This literary genre depends on contribution, and its rich heritage has been preserved in the minds of generations which started to leave us one after the other. So it is an attempt to protect this sweet talk from extinction. 
The book includes an introduction and four chapters. The first chapter deals with the Sahara as a memory registering a large space of Sahrawis life and as geographic area comprising many historical, social and cultural factors which contributed to the production of the popular poetry. Chapter II presents Hassani poetry in terms of both its components, purposes, and aesthetic characteristics.

The writer devotes Chapter III to critic criteria through field work. He cites a series of examples used to receive and taste and judge Hassani poetry.

"Hassani Folklore, elements and components" 

Book title: " Folklore, elements and components."
Number of Pages: 141 average pages.
Publisher: Marrakech national Library.
Author: Ibrahim Al Hayssen 



Book Summary: Ibrahim Al Hayssen researcher believes that Hassani folklore derives its power from deep-rooted desert cultural history, based on maxims originating from a collective love changing in time and place. It is a product practiced by Saharan tribes distinguished by its unique characteristics based upon the perspective of creativity as an outcome of the interaction between the creators’ feelings and those influences exercised by the cultural heritage in its expressions and aesthetics. This heritage is marked by active creators and producers pushing them to develop innovative thinking in order to be able to formulate aesthetic and creative activities to suit the value of their cultural and historical heritage, the researcher says: (the aesthetic and expressive value expressed by the Hassani Heritage producer stems from creativity, and carries with it forms of thinking and innovative mentality of the Sahrawi society), adding: (Therefore, we can say that the Hassani folklore plays - in its material and spiritual features- a pragmatic role through its ability to meet the needs of society, which makes it a functionally essential product).

The author succeeds to give a detailed description of the Sahara lifestyle, given that this lifestyle is a determinant key of the individual’s with all practised geographic and cultural and social rituals. A Bedouin Pattern referring to some tribal organization with their rituals, customs, traditions forms of communication and behaviours that distinguish them from other human groups, within some hierarchical social system.

The author describes this situation as (a human complicated phenomenon that has taken many forms throughout history.. and therefore it’s adaptable to every new climate provided that the latter does not affect the essence.. i.e. identity and local specificities.
The researcher says: (in the desert, there are nomads rearing camels and semi-nomads rearing sheep and both groups have the capacity to move and exploit all the spaces making the place)
The researcher thinks that the Bedouin life- or living in the desert and areas of vegetation, grass … is not a primitive life based on underdevelopment. It is stage of the evolution of human life, contrary to the perception of those who want to get rid of the Bedouin life as a harsh, heavy and un-urbanized life. In his “Introduction” Ibn Khaldun distinguishes between the Bedouin life (as Culture and urbanization) and civilization, he says: "(nomads are closer to goodness than urban inhabitants and that the countryside is the basis of urbanization and the city is the extension of the countryside).

" Culture and identity in the Sahara, anthropological view on Hassani society."  

Book title: Culture and identity in the Sahara, anthropological view on Hassani society."
Number of Pages: 230 average pages.
Publisher: Beni Yessi / Moulay Rachid district Dakhla.
Author: Ibrahim Al Hayssen 



Book Summary:

Researcher Ibrahim Al Hayssen says at the beginning of his book: "The cultural identity in the Sahara faces any ferocious globalization and rejects any stereotyping of societal values and behaviors, or any sabotage of ethical and aesthetic benefits pertaining to Hassani community throughout its civilizational and historical process as well as its long intellectual and creative steadfastness."

The book consists of the following sections:
Section I: culture / identity: .. concept and context.
Section II: structural elements of the Sahara identity.
Section III: People's creations and rituals.

"Fragments From Hassani Literature "  

Book title: "fragments from Hassani literature"
Number of Pages: 230 large pages.
Publisher: Tariq bin Ziyad Centre for Studies and Research, 1999.
Author: Taleb Bouya Laatik Maoulainaine



Book Summary: researcher Hassan Ourid in his introduction to the book "so we want at Tariq bin Ziyad Centre for Studies and Research to preserve one aspect of the popular culture in Saguia el-Hamra and Wadi Eddahab. We wanted it because it is a heritage deserving care and attention. We wanted it for its specificity and interaction with the private Surrounding ... nature created a pattern of life that finds its expression in life’s features and ways of expression" .

The researcher Taleb Bouya Laatik Maoulainaine tackled the following topics:

Section I: Hassani Poetry.
Section II: Hassani Literature

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